Cauldron Foods will be the first UK meat-free brand to make its entire range carbon neutral

January 10, 2022

At ClimatePartner, we love seeing our clients reach major milestones. It’s been a pleasure to work with Cauldron Foods as the company makes breakthroughs in its climate action journey: as of this month, the brand will officially be first in its category to achieve carbon neutral status on its entire range of products.

Already committed to The UK’s Plastic Pact, Cauldron is giving consumers a delicious way to reduce their carbon footprint by filling their plates with plant-based foods like tofu, falafels, vegetarian sausages and mince.

Together, we have been working on how Cauldron will avoid, reduce and offset emissions. Residual emissions will be tackled through carbon offsetting projects which comply with recognized international standards, such as  the  Gold Standard or the Verified Carbon Standard.

“We’re so proud to be the first in the category to achieve carbon neutral status on every single one of our delicious Cauldron products, through our work with ClimatePartner. Consumers can be confident in the knowledge that choosing a Cauldron product will help them to reduce their carbon footprint. Our planet deserves the best and we’re urging everyone to become more aware of our collective responsibility to take better care of it, and do their bit,” says Tom Lindley, Head of Cauldron.