Luxury fashion e-commerce platform Mytheresa makes a carbon neutrality pledge

November 22, 2021

ClimatePartner is delighted to support Mytheresa, one of the world’s leading luxury fashion e-commerce platforms, as it embarks on an exciting journey to carbon neutrality.

The organisation is committed to reaching this target in its own operations and all shipments and returns from the beginning of fiscal year 2022 (July 1, 2021). This includes all shipments of orders to customers, returns and packaging, covering all scope 1 and scope 2, and part of scope 3 emissions[1].

It has pledged to reduce carbon emissions where possible and offset non-avoidable emissions, via offset projects that provide lasting social, economic, and environmental benefits —and comply to recognized standards, such as the Gold Standard or the Verified Carbon Standard.

To get a full understanding of its carbon footprint and the road ahead, ClimatePartner conducted a carbon footprint analysis as a baseline for Mytheresa, built on carbon data from the previous fiscal year, and will be supporting the luxury digital platform with its future measures to maintain carbon neutrality.

Michael Kliger, CEO of Mytheresa, says “Climate change is a big challenge, perhaps one of the biggest of our time. We are fully committed to our corporate responsibility to improve our environmental impact as a global business and to become a more sustainable digital platform. The luxury fashion industry is responding to its environmental duties, and as a leading player we want to grow our business in the most sustainable way. That is why we are committed to carbon neutrality starting already from July 2021. Going forward, we plan to keep addressing the material issues that drive the multiple dimensions of sustainable growth.”

Moritz Lehmkuhl, CEO and Founder of ClimatePartner, says: “The fashion industry has a great responsibility when it comes to contributing to climate action. A meaningful share of global emissions are attributable to the fashion and textile sectors. Now that more and more labels and manufacturers are committing to comprehensive climate action in this area, it is a logical step and an important addition that Mytheresa is also active here and sets itself ambitious goals with a holistic approach. We are therefore pleased to be able to provide our expertise and know-how and are happy to accompany the company on its journey.”

Carbon neutrality is another chapter in Mytheresa’s Environmental, Social and Governance journey, as it strives to bring environmentally friendly solutions to its customers.

More information is available here.


[1] Scope 1 and 2 emissions include vehicle fleet, cooling agents, heating, electricity, externally generated heat, direct cooling. Scope 3 emissions include inbound and outbound logistics, flights and employee commuting, rental cars and private vehicles, upstream emissions of fuel, train trips, packaging materials, upstream emissions of heating / cooling and electricity, external data center, waste treatment.