On World Environment Day: Carbon neutrality requires transparent labelling

June 4, 2021

On World Environment Day on  June 5th, ClimatePartner emphasises the importance of transparency in the labelling of carbon neutral products.

This is exactly what the "carbon neutral" label and the associated ID tracking offer. With these tools, companies  can transparently communicate their climate action measures, and consumers can access reliable information about the carbon footprint of a given product alongside the respective reduction strategies and carbon offset projects.

Transparent label and tracking ID

All details on CO2 offsetting can be accessed via an individual ID. It is part of the tracking URL, and refers to a landing page where companies can exhibit the following information on the carbon neutrality of their products:

  • the company name, the order or product name, and the time period or order date,
  • the amount of carbon emissions offset and the total emissions calculated, as well as the carbon footprint per product,
  • the system boundaries used in the calculation of product emissions with details of which areas were made carbon neutral (e.g. from raw materials to production, to logistics and disposal),
  • that the carbon offsetting is based on internationally recognised guidelines by calculating and offsetting the relevant CO2 emissions, and
  • any other climate action measures the company has taken to reduce and avoid carbon emissions.

The ID-tracking also details the carbon offset project supported in each case, and explains the project technologies used. It shows the exact location of the project on a map and lists the supported UN SDGs, as well as the independent certification and validation parties.

Clarity for businesses and consumers

Moritz Lehmkuhl, founder and CEO of ClimatePartner: "When offsetting CO2 emissions, it is important to have the greatest possible transparency and traceability. Companies need to have confidence in the effectiveness of their processes and goals to align themselves with climate action. And consumers have a right to expect that the labelling of products helps them to make the right decisions. With its depth of information, the "carbon neutral" label takes all of these requirements into account."

The ClimatePartner Protocol for standards and verified methodology

In addition to the methodology used for the label and ID-tracking, ClimatePartner works according to the strict ClimatePartner Protocol. This protocol regulates the standardised processes involved in calculating and offsetting CO2 emissions, as well as the implementation of carbon offset projects. All measures are based on recognised standards such as the GHG Protocol for calculating emissions. ClimatePartner is also involved in the development of the  ISO 14068 standard for carbon neutrality and will align its processes with this in the future.

"Through our processes and procedures, we give companies security and a framework for taking responsibility in climate action. Because every company that seriously and sincerely sets out on this path is an asset for climate action," says Moritz Lehmkuhl.

Example of full ID-tracking in which all available display functions are activated: https://www.climatepartner.com/10001-1001-2002.