Sustainable investing is still not enough – carbon neutral business operations at OneCrowd

February 15, 2023

Since 2013, more than 28 million euros have been invested in sustainable companies and projects via Econeers, the investment platform operated by OneCrowd. Now, with the climate action experts from ClimatePartner, this crowdinvesting provider has made its business operations carbon neutral.  

Together with ClimatePartner, OneCrowd has calculated the emissions attributable to its own business operations and offset them via a certified climate project. Emissions caused, for example, by heating of buildings, employee travel, business trips, or use of office supplies, were taken into account. For 2021, these amounted to 64 tons of CO2. This calculation marks the starting point for setting reduction targets and taking measures to reduce and avoid future emissions. The calculation will be repeated annually to track the success of the reduction measures and to allow for necessary adjustments in the future.  

To avoid emissions before they even occur, OneCrowd preemptively prioritises regional and organic food in their office and encourages employees to use public transport - both for commuting to work and business travel. In addition, OneCrowd wants to save emissions in the future through changing its attendance policy and promoting even greater awareness around the amount of heating used in the office.   

The emissions caused by OneCrowd's business operations are offset by a certified international climate project. Additionally, a tree is planted in Germany for every ton of CO2 generated. In this way, the OneCrowd Group is tying into its existing regional environmental commitment, such as the work already being done at the Dresden Environmental Center.  

Managing Director Johannes Ranscht explains why it is important for OneCrowd to operate the business in a carbon neutral way: "As the operator of a crowdinvesting platform focused on sustainable investments, and also in general as a forward-looking company, it is important for us to be actively committed to our environment and to slowing climate change. We are taking responsibility here; with confirmation of our business operations as carbon neutral, we not only show the emissions that we cause, but also what we are concretely doing to avoid, reduce, and offset them, and do so in a completely transparent and comprehensible way.”  

Further information on the OneCrowd Group's carbon neutral business operations and the supported climate project can be found here:  

About OneCrowd 

The OneCrowd Group is the company behind the online platform Econeers, which was founded in 2013 as the first platform for crowdinvesting in sustainable projects in Germany. The group also includes the platforms Seedmatch for crowdinvesting in innovative companies and Mezzany for real estate crowdinvesting. To date, almost 240 financing rounds with a total volume of 106 million euros have already been realized via the platforms. OneCrowd, based in Dresden, employs more than 20 people and is managed by Johannes Ranscht and Marc Speidel.