Ready for more impact: ClimatePartner heads into the new year with record growth

December 15, 2020

Further plans to expand solution set for climate action

Even though the past year was overshadowed by the coronavirus pandemic, climate change has seen a dramatic increase in importance and relevance for businesses across the world. The number of net zero carbon emissions commitments from countries, local governments and businesses has more than doubled in less than a year, as many prioritize climate action in their recovery from Covid-19. And ClimatePartner has stepped up its efforts in 2020 accordingly. The company is reporting clear growth, not just in relation to the number of clients and the carbon offset projects they have funded, but also with expansion of the team, setting up new offices and the increased expertise in holistic climate action. Next year will see even more aggressive growth in all areas.

Between January and December 2020, the team has grown to more than 120, and additional international offices were opened in London and The Hague. The expansion of the team also brought a significant increase in skills and expertise, which is ultimately reflected in the increased range of solutions. This includes renewable energy procurement services, CDP reporting and Science Based Target setting, software for both company and product carbon footprint calculations and offsetting, online ClimatePartner Academy events, and an increased focus on the reduction and avoidance of emissions.

For an increasing amount of companies, collaboration with ClimatePartner has become an important part of their corporate and product strategies. The number of clients has now grown to more than 3,000 companies in 35 countries. Key sectors include retail, food & beverage and consumer goods as well as printing and packaging. They are all focused on achieving climate neutrality with ClimatePartner and are increasingly providing a sustainability signaling effect to consumers through climate neutral labels on their products.

Moritz Lehmkuhl, founder and CEO of ClimatePartner, says: “The clear commitment of so many companies to take on climate action motivates and drives us forward. More than three quarters of our clients have already told us they will increase their efforts to reduce their emissions in 2021. We’re taking that as a big vote of confidence and as a mandate to do more.”

Outlook for 2021: 15 years of ClimatePartner

The growth recorded in 2020 is planned to continue in 2021 – when ClimatePartner will be celebrating its 15th anniversary. The plan is to continue expanding the team of experts and consultants as well as to rapidly accelerate the development of innovative software that automates the calculation, reduction strategy and offsetting of carbon emissions. In addition, further offices are to be opened in Paris, Stockholm, Milan and Barcelona to offer even better support in these regions.

The range of carbon offset projects will also be expanded next year. The focus here will be on initiating new projects, with a focus on reforestation and afforestation in South America, the development of more efficient cookstoves in Africa and other innovative nature-based solutions focused on carbon removal.

Moritz Lehmkuhl: “The growth we have seen in the demand for our services and our business over the last year confirms that climate action is in need of innovative solutions. We want to continue down this path and working towards achieving common goal of limiting global warming to 1.5 degrees.