The expanded ClimatePartner Academy: More topics, more dates, more languages

May 26, 2020

Education on climate protection hits the nerve of the times

Due to the overwhelming demand and the many positive feedbacks from participants, we further expand the ClimatePartner Academy and offer our free online events on corporate climate protection on a monthly basis, allowing us to cover more topics and host more attendees. The dates are divided into Academy and Deep Dive webinars.

The Academy events provide scientific and market-specific information and methods in climate protection, the procedure for carbon balancing, the development of a climate protection strategy to avoid and reduce emissions, the concept of carbon offsetting and the functioning of carbon offset projects, as well as the advantages of climate-neutral products.

The Deep Dive events are aimed at participants who already have general background knowledge. They deal with specific topics in detail, such as the product carbon footprint, carbon offset projects, supply chain solutions, science-based targets and others.

Feedback from previous participants has been consistently positive. Thanks to the online format with interactive chat functions, many more interested parties can now participate regardless of location. Incoming questions are answered live by the moderator. In order to inform international interested parties and to take into account the international business activities of ClimatePartner, we offer regular dates in English in addition to the online events in German.

An overview of the current dates including registration form is available here.

An interim review of the first Academy events in March and April 2020 has been published here.