ClimatePartner commits to near-term reduction targets in line with the Science Based Targets initiative (SBTi)

August 24, 2022

ClimatePartner is setting an example for organisations by accelerating its climate action. As a first step ClimatePartner has committed to setting near-term emission reduction targets in line with the criteria of the SBTi. 

Climate-friendly and low-emission business operations have always been a focus at ClimatePartner. Dedicated processes and regulations are already in place regarding business travel, office supplies, catering, technology, and energy. Unabated emissions are being offset via certified projects. With the commitment to SBTs, emission reductions will become an even more important improvement process.

ClimatePartner's science-based targets will be in line with the latest climate science for meeting the goal of the Paris Agreement – limiting global warming to 1.5 °C above pre-industrial levels. To support and accomplish this goal, ClimatePartner will define specific near-term reduction targets and set up a reduction plan. 

Moritz Lehmkuhl, Founder, and CEO of ClimatePartner explains:

“Reducing emissions in the short, medium, and long term is the most important step in climate action. Aligning with SBTs ensures we reduce emissions in the most effective way to meet the climate targets depicted by the Paris Agreement. As the call is on every company and every organisation to take responsibility, it is just a logical step that we also ensure that climate action is fully integrated into our business operations.”

ClimatePartner’s commitment to set Science-Based targets was officially approved by the SBTi in August 2022 and is now listed on the SBTi’s target dashboard