KAISER+KRAFT: Carbon neutral printed advertising media

October 9, 2017

Europe’s largest B2B mail order company for office, workshop, and warehouse equipment has rendered its printed advertising materials entirely climate neutral: KAISER+KRAFT, a company of the TAKKT Group. Since September, KAISER+KRAFT has been printing all catalogues and mailings climate neutrally. All carbon emissions from the respective print shop are calculated and allocated to the printed products proportionately. KAISER+KRAFT offsets the same volume of emissions by supporting a recognized carbon offset project.

To do so, the company has selected a fuel-switch project from the ClimatePartner portfolio. A family-run brickyard in Soacha, Colombia has converted to climate friendly firing ovens, thereby saving a significant volume of carbon emissions: 1 kilogram per brick, which equates to around 1.5 tons per house. This represents the first carbon offset project in Colombia to be certified under the rigorous criteria of the Gold Standard (more on the project).

This step sends a signal for climate protection in the B2B market. For KAISER+KRAFT, sustainability is a central prerequisite for business success in the long term.