ClimatePartner joins Negative Emissions Platform

April 23, 2021

Since April 1 ClimatePartner is official member of the Negative Emissions Platform (NEP), a partnership of European and international actors to accelerate carbon removals for a climate neutral future. The organisation represents technology developers, providers and sponsors, research centers, academia, think-tanks and civil society.  Its aim is to provide a forum in which diverse like-minded organisations actively collaborate to improve political and public recognition of carbon removals.

All scenarios of the IPCC Special Report on the 1.5 °C target rely on the removal of large volumes of CO₂ - up to 730 billion tonnes  by 2100. This is nearly 15 times the annual GHG emissions. However, the scale-up of atmospheric carbon removal technologies and practices is to a large extend underrepresented within the EU climate policy agenda and in the works of the signatories to the Paris Agreement.

Dr. Sascha Lafeld, Head of Carbon Offset & Green Energy Services, ClimatePartner: “Carbon removal technologies, practices and solutions that can solve this global climate challenge are already existing. They are an important addition to other carbon removal options such as afforestation, being also promoted by the Science Based Targets initiative. At ClimatePartner, we want to drive the development of this technological side of carbon removal, enabling our customers to have additional means to reach their net zero goals.”

“Only with both strategies combined -  emissions reduction and atmospheric carbon removal - we will be able to address and avoid catastrophic climate change.  This will require a multi-level cooperation and a dialogue among governments, policymakers, regulators, businesses, researchers, engineers and civil society”, Lafeld adds.

Lafeld and ClimatePartner will collaborate with the members of the Negative Emissions Platform in a broad range of activities. This includes providing input to the policy-making processes at the EU level and in relevant international and national fora, advocate towards the general public, key decision-makers and influencers, create a knowledge-sharing platform as a key source of high quality and accurate data about negative emissions technologies in the EU and globally or drive collaboration with environmental organisations and science-based public engagement.

On April 27, NEP will have a dedicated event with the European Commission to discuss the EU-wide carbon removal certification mechanism covering both nature-based and technological solutions.